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Đang hiển thị bài đăng từ Tháng 11, 2020

Cute Baby Yodda hug Green Bay Packers Ornament Merry Christmas 2020 Shirt

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Every policy decision and be every policy goal, not indirectly-related themes like profitability of companies which may or may not trickle that money to you over time but rather your direct quality of life Corporate entities lobby with campaign funds as leverage. This is borderline illegal and should not be matched with similar behaviors; We can lobby with votes as leverage and the power to swing the race one way or the other with our large voting bloc. How? Grow the voting bloc around a publicly-sourced canonical list of pursuable goals gleaned from the discussion. Am. Also still shocked how Trump is getting lots of votes after all what he fckin did in they. BUY IT: Cute Baby Yodda hug Green Bay Packers Ornament Merry Christmas 2020 Shirt

Nice Baby Yodda Hug Las Vegas Raiders Ornament Merry Christmas 2020 Shirt

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The institutions of society. We have no choice but to continue to fight it with everything we’ve got and stay independent. As Bernie says implicitly, we can’t let our power be channeled into the Democratic Party, where progressive movements go to die. there needs to be some kind of "deprogramming" efforts, bringing back the fairness doctrine for example and although that is mostly needed for right-winged propaganda I feel the left also needs to pop their bubble a bit, otherwise this decade will be known in the future as "The Great Divide" The a. Idea of a Quality of Life lobby and a voting bloc around its ideals is that quality of life has to be forefront in. BUY IT: Nice Baby Yodda Hug Las Vegas Raiders Ornament Merry Christmas 2020 Shirt

Great I Stand With President Donald Trump Shirt

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Class propaganda that's convinced so many that the source of their misery is the Other rather than the modern day robber barons who profit from their exploitation. We have a ruthless and powerful enemy that's highly organized and experienced in controlling not only the government but most of the institutions of society. We have no choice but to continue to fight it with everything we’ve got and stay independent. As Bernie says implicitly, we can’t let our channeled into the Democratic Party, where progressive movements.  Go to die. We have a ruthless and powerful enemy that's highly organized and experienced in controlling not only the government but most of. BUY IT: Great I Stand With President Donald Trump Shirt

Official Nutcracker 2020 The Year We All Went Nuts Shirt

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Its political repression, from the beginning the new Cuban government, as poor as the country was at the time of the Revolution, having been milked for decades by the wealthy, nevertheless instituted programs including free medical care, a literacy campaign, and many other supports to the previously desperate citizens. Even today it sends its doctors all over the world to assist poor countries in containing epidemics, for example. I'm not for a moment minimizing the terror of racism that America.  Has inflicted on people of color, especially its former slaves, for centuries, an experience I've never lived as a white person. But I do want to counter to ruling. BUY IT: Official Nutcracker 2020 The Year We All Went Nuts Shirt

Love Obama The Greatest Of All Time president America Finest Shirt

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The source of violence in society. We need to be on guard against the fake protesters who would destroy the massive new worldwide movement against racism. For example, Rise and Resist in New York City trains its own marshals to protect its actions from infiltration by hecklers and, worse, racists and other white supremacists. When I was an activist in a Trotskyist party many years ago, I was taught that "racism died overnight in Cuba," because government actively fought.  To end it. For example, barbers weren't allowed to discriminate against black people and the new laws prohibiting discrimination were rigidly enforced. While I totally condemn and repudiate. BUY IT: Love Obama The Greatest Of All Time president America Finest Shirt

Pretty Not Your Mother’s Cooking Chef Donny Shirt

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In any form is intolerable and must be fought to the death, I believe that its source is the modern-day slave owners, the capitalist ruling class, the masters of divide and conquer. After all, they claim, it's those unwashed illegal invaders, the Mexicans, the Latin Americans, who are stealing your hard-earned tax dollars and want freebees; it's those shifty, lazy (and violent) blacks who, to quote a Trump mouthpiece, have to "want" to achieve.  Better but prefer to be freeloaders and "welfare queens." Our job is to continue to mobilize for change, legally and peacefully in a way that the majority can support and to quash any attempts to characterize us into. BUY IT: Pretty Not Your Mother’s Cooking Chef Donny Shirt

Top Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Nurse Practitioner Shirt

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And certainly not pensions. Perhaps what they mean by economy is their jobs. They want to go back to work and earn a living, they want the schools reopened. And that's exactly what they're hearing from Trump, even though he's obviously the reason for the massive loss in jobs, having utterly failed to contain the pandemic. And many people, not just Trump supporters, have pandemic fatigue and want to believe Trump lies that.  The virus is going away, we've turned the corner, and that after recovering from the virus (thanks only to the medical professionals he's tried to muzzle and handcuff from the beginning) he feels twenty years younger. While racism bigotry. BUY IT: Top Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Nurse Practitioner Shirt

Great Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Nurse Squad Shirt

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To steal the election. It seems that Fox News, possibly thanks to Trump's attacks, may be distancing itself from him. Fox, to near universal criticism, also called Arizona for Biden the night of the election, earning Trump's fury. It's very hard for me, as a socialist, to write off Trump supporters as stupid, especially after many of them voted for Obama-even though they are backward and gullible.  But with millions of them now unemployed, it’s understandable that so many citee the "economy" as the reason they voted for Trump. After all, some of these voters are the poorest in the country. The majority aren't invested in the stock market and don't have 401ks. BUY IT: Great Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Nurse Squad Shirt

Top Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Healthcare Worker Shirt

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Taught to stop us from continuing to educate them and mobilize the entire working class and poor to end the brutal class system that profits from dividing us. By the way, I think this piece may be by the same Judith Miller who wrote the New York Times article back in 2003 that convinced many to support the war that was about to start on Iraq. If I remember, she claimed Iraq.  Had weapons of mass destruction, parroting the excuse the Neo Cons used to invade a sovereign country that had had nothing to do with 911 and in fact also saw Al Qaeda as its enemy. But here she is, criticizing the fake president for his disdain of the US and all its voters,  attempting. BUY IT: Top Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Healthcare Worker Shirt

Cute Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Lpn Squad Shirt

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Clear victory. If BOTH of those could happen, it would be a landslide victory. this is so stupid. say whatever you want about trump’s core base, but this race is close for the same reason it was close in 2016: democrats failed to offer an alternative political vision, and instead leaned even more heavily towards the right, this time with a “back normal.  Message in a country where the majority of citizens feel they have been left high and dry by “normal.” they also, and i cannot stress this enough, chose to run a fucking terrible candidate TL;DR The main idea I want to convey is that while Trump supporters hold vile beliefs, we can't allow the lies they been. BUY IT: Cute Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Lpn Squad Shirt

Good Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Medical Assistant Shirt

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Told repeatedly by multiple teachers in urban TN (both in middle and high school) that I had to get rid of my Southern accent if I wanted to be taken seriously as an adult in a white collar job. I scoffed at this but when I began attending university for Computer Science outside of the South, I was repeatedly told to my face in.  Group project settings and by professors whenever I asked for help that I shouldn't be embarrassed about not understanding the material given where I was from. Y'all have got to chill out on the anti-South mentality. If the Democrat party would ALSO back a candidate that isn't anti-gun and has left social policies, they would take a. BUY IT: Good Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Medical Assistant Shirt

Love Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Cma Squad Shirt

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Smile and offer comfort to the torn. Respect eachother as having different opinions. It literally only boils down to guns. Every single Southern millennial and Zoomer that I know both personally (IRL) and online who voted for Trump did so because of Biden, Harris, and O'Rourke's gun policies. Every Gen. X'er I know who voted Trump did so either because of B-H's gun policies OR because they were tired of being looked down on by half of America. Those Zoomers and millennials loved Bernie because they agreed with ALL of his policies and his track record on gun control is extremely minimal. I was raised in rural Alabama & both rural and urban Tennessee and weres. BUY IT: Love Mask Santa 2020 Anti Covid 19 Merry Christmas 2020 Cma Squad Shirt

Cute Powerfish Get The Dog Eat Sleep Brothel Repeat Shirt

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That high a number.. Social belonging is a very strong pull. Many of that 68million are just devoted republicans who value loyalty above all. Especially with the turmoil caused by covid, lost jobs, loss of social circles, and the anger that goes with—-people will let the leopard.  Eat their face. From an external perspective it’s easy to say they’re just shit human beings. Don’t do easy—-do effective. Take this time to strive to understand your trump supporting neighbor. Ask them to get involved with their party and help cultivate a candidate for 2024 that they can be truly proud of. That’s how we heal. The emotionally mature among us must do what they can a. BUY IT: Cute Powerfish Get The Dog Eat Sleep Brothel Repeat Shirt

Hot 10 Diego Maradon The golden Boy 1960 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

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Because Biden doesn't like them. They they feel like they have to vote for Trump because they are pushed away by the other side. As many of you are saying I understand the Trump vote. Voting Republic, sure. Voting for a man with his record is mind boggling.  The only thing I can think of is many people are worried (and rightfully so) that under Biden the pandemic and its economic impact would continue while with Trump the economy would continue to reopen. I’m shocked that almost 30% didn’t vote at all. I know that a certain percentage wouldn’t be able to due to various reasons such as incarceration, mental decline or certain disabilities but surely that’s no. BUY IT: Hot 10 Diego Maradon The golden Boy 1960 2020 Thank You For The Memories Signature Shirt

Premium Waking The Dead Signatures Shirt

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Democrats expected Republicans to vote across party lines because of Donald Trump's abhorrent conduct. The truth is, no matter what Trump or any Republican candidate does, many many people will vote solely based on abortion, gun laws a.  Tax policy, foreign policy, etc. It's kind of sad reading some of these comments calling the people who supported Trump stupid. People like this are the exact reason why Trump got so many votes. I truly despise how our country has turned into a: "if you don't follow my ideas and beliefs then you're insert insult here". Most of the people who I've spoken to who voted for Trump don't actually like him. They just like Biden les. BUY IT: Premium Waking The Dead Signatures Shirt

Awesome War Criminal George Bush Shirt

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But this is jarring to each side. Very little social progress is being made with your current approach. I actually attribute this to all of the recent events. The heavy politically driven "inclusivity" programs that.  Are out in the open at many companies(Which directly use race and sex in whether they choose a candidate for a position....technically illegal), the chaos that BLM has caused(usually over people with criminal backgrounds. Poor choices of martyrs) especially during a pandemic in which they acted as large incubators for the virus when we already have nut jobs on the right who think wearing a mask infringed  their freedom.As with the 2016 election. BUY IT: Awesome War Criminal George Bush Shirt

Funny Warrior Cervical Cancer Nutrition Facts Cervical Cancer Awareness Shirt

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Media has helped boost exactly this mentality... you want to make the world a better place? More unified? Stop demonizing people who voted differently than you This is really unhelpful. The DNC needs.  To massively change and figure out a way to open up to the Americans across the country who are attracted to Trumpism. Part of the reason is your own extremism and intolerance. You need to be more open to conservatism and conservative values and see the good (and bad) in them. You need to bring the party more to the center socially and move slower. Most of the politicians in the DNC’s actions are about posturing and furthering their political(same in the reps). BUY IT: Funny Warrior Cervical Cancer Nutrition Facts Cervical Cancer Awareness Shirt

Nice Merry Christmas Penguin I Just Really Like Penguins Ok Shirt

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It’s fucking horrifying. He was never this conservative before but social media and targeting fake news has warped his perceptions of the world. Republican money being funneled in.  Fake news on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram is what is driving this. I have a lot of conservative friends and the memes and “news” they share (screenshots of a Twitter post) are just insane fake bullshit. Trump voters say the exact same stuff about Biden voters... this country is completely divided, Trump supporters are no small portion of the country.. same for Biden supporters... and not everyone who voted for Trump is evil and not everyone who voted for Biden evil but social. BUY IT: Nice Merry Christmas Penguin I Just Really Like Penguins Ok Shirt

Original Merry Cruisemas Family Cruise Christmas 2020 Santa Hat Shirt

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Transphobes, Islamophobes, and xenophobes try to ensure America sucks for anyone who isn't a wealthy white Christian a. I don't think that true, did everyone.  Who voted for Biden love Biden and all of his policies? Or did the majority vote because they are Democrat leaning and dislike the alternative. I think alot of people who voted for Trump did so because they did not like the alternative and are right leaning. It’s worse than any of you realize. My dad, a smart and sensible guy, divorced my mom, lost his job, and became extremely cynical over a rough 10-year period. He’s active on Facebook. He became a staunch Trump supporter, anti-vaxxer and anti-maske. BUY IT: Original Merry Cruisemas Family Cruise Christmas 2020 Santa Hat Shirt

Hot Merry Christmas To Everyone Except That Bitch Carole Baskin Ugly Christmas Shirt

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I could go on but the thing that I've come to the sad conclusion is this. The US democracy is to the point discussing its inevitable.  Decline is a reality. States like California, NY, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Oregon, Washington have more in common with Canada than they do their own country. The rest of the US is a mix of racist and misinformed bigots and people who want for themselves a better life. It is truly heartbreaking to know the United States is full of so many bigots. People willing to jump on the Trump train by pushing the country down on the tracks. Populism and fascism work perfectly well in America, as these racists, sexists, homophobes ands. BUY IT: Hot Merry Christmas To Everyone Except That Bitch Carole Baskin Ugly Christmas Shirt

Cute Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Pajamas Matching Family Gift Shirt

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Do you guys survive with such terrible wait lines with healthcare". These questions come from levels stupidity and.  Misinformation and trying to explain how they've been misinformed is met with such ignorance that I've wondered how such people survive. I remember the Doctor I met on the plane last year flying home when he found out I was from Canada tried telling me how bad healthcare was in Canada. Telling him my experiences with it, dealing with a rare vision issue meant nothing. Despite the fact that I can travel anywhere in the country for the care I need meant nothing. I should go the US where they could surely fix my issue. So full of shit misinformed. BUY IT: Cute Merry Quarantine Christmas 2020 Pajamas Matching Family Gift Shirt

Top Merry Slothmas Sloth Funny Unisex Ugly Christmas Shirt

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Americans believe Trump is the leader they need. I'm dumbfounded and heartsick for a country. That I thought shared many of the same ideals I do. To be sure Canada has its own share of history we'd like to re-write. How we mistreated indigenous people. the French-English divide. Many governments have grappled with these issues but I like to think that we share a common grief with some of our history but we move on, hopefully united in how we should act and behave. Lately I've noticed significant changes in attitudes in the US when I travel there that frankly unnerve me. So many times I'm confronted with "how do you like living in a Socialist country" or "how. BUY IT: Top Merry Slothmas Sloth Funny Unisex Ugly Christmas Shirt

Beautiful Love Your Hair Shirt

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Paedophile ring that Clinton was running in a pizza joint somewhere. I shook.  My head in disbelief but later (after the election) as we were dining in a restaurant I noticed several Maga hats and tee shirts. Watched one guy on a cruise who wore his Maga gear EVERY FUCKING DAY. The table of old white people that sat behind me at the restaurant all claiming in unified stupidity that Fox News was the place where they get their news. That's when I wondered what the hell was going on. Like in 2016 I was sure a repudiation was coming. Landslide would surely be in the cards. Now, I sit back and am in shock at the level of support this monster is. Almost 70 Million. BUY IT: Beautiful Love Your Hair Shirt

Beautiful Madam Vice President 2020 Shirt

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Lady who so kindly offered to drive my family and I in. From a mall in NH back to our hotel room because we had left our wallets back there and couldn't find our car keys. The landlord in Florida who has welcomed us so generously every year for the last 6 years. The many kind, friendly people we met on our cruises we've taken over the years, many of whom we still keep in contact with. But in 2016 I detected something had changed. Sitting in a bar in Florida the night of the election I was sure that America would make the only logical choice they had but as I sat there I couldn't help but hear the 6 people at a table directly behind me talk about that a child. BUY IT: Beautiful Madam Vice President 2020 Shirt

Perfect Merry Christ Mask Merry Christmas Light Shirt

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Are shown. Facebook, Google,CNN. Fox, they all create alternative realities for those who are watching. Sinclair broadcasting group, one of the largest companies who controls a large swath of “local” news stations forces them to air videos and segments that are openly right wing or racist. All of this is compounded by Americans who are uneducated and unwilling to learn about the realities affecting them. I live in Canada and I can do nothing but hope that america somehow finds a way out of this, but I don’t think it’s possible As a Canadian I frequently travel to the US (not this year obviously) and have met so many nice people over the years. I remember the. BUY IT: Perfect Merry Christ Mask Merry Christmas Light Shirt

Happy Madam Vice President First Woman Vp Kamala Harris 2020 Shirt

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Windfall a. These are the cornerstones of a presidency best characterized by golf and failure. While half of us were repelled, the other half voted for more. The political parties have equated themselves to the lifestyle of the demographic. You cannot implicate their leaders alone, you implicate ALL of them. Cognitive dissonance steps in and when you accuse Trump of anything, they look at themselves and don't see that behavior and rush to defend their leader. They will not objectively, critically think on their own. They do what they are programmed to do by the marketing. What people don’t realize is that america is now a divided country because a what peopl. BUY IT: Happy Madam Vice President First Woman Vp Kamala Harris 2020 Shirt

Hot Merry Christmas Let The Good Time Roll Santa Face Mask 2020 Toilet Paper Xmas Tree Shirt

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One right doesn’t right many many wrongs. And even in World War II, America already showed incredible selfishness. Without Pearl Harbour, would the USA even have cared about the war? Maybe. Maybe not. In each case, the blatant disregard for human life was on full display already, with hundred of thousands people wiped from the face of the earth by bombs with cute names. None of the policies enacted under the Trump-branded theme song have done anything to actually make America great. Tax cuts for the wealthiest,fighting the promise of universal health care, lethal mismanagement of a pandemic, use of the Justice Department for political gain personal financial. BUY IT: Hot Merry Christmas Let The Good Time Roll Santa Face Mask 2020 Toilet Paper Xmas Tree Shirt

Awesome Kevin Hart Baby Shirt

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A society means, and you can still be a hyper capitalist nation, while taking care of its citizens as a whole. It's so alarming that roughly speaking the middle america want's to be a fucking wild wild west with no value for human life, and their weird obsession of individual rights have only generated this survival of the "fittest", (read most armed) which is such an toxic foundation for a society to be even based on. Actually it's very contrary what a society means, and you can still be a hyper capitalist nation, while taking care of its citizens as a whole. Before you all shout ‘but we freed you’; no. You didn’t. Your ancestors did; and were greatfull.But. BUY IT: Awesome Kevin Hart Baby Shirt

Pretty Leo Laughing Dank Meme Ugly Merry Christmas Shirt

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A political discussion with a Trump supporter? They're delusional. The problem is that they've been so well conditioned by Fox news and other propaganda to stick to their guns and in turn to believe that you in fact are delusional. If it's not coming from their trusted source (Fox news or Trump), then it's not credible. It's so alarming that roughly speaking the middle america want's to be a fucking wild wild west with no value for human life, and their weird obsession of individual rights have only generated this survival of the "fittest", (read most armed) which is such an toxic foundation for a society to be even based . Actually. It's very contrary where. BUY IT: Pretty Leo Laughing Dank Meme Ugly Merry Christmas Shirt